Intelligent Key Board

The IKB will be fully integrated with the QUERTY keyboard; it will use only the 26 key positions assigned to Roman characters for Indian scripts, with the result that all other keys for numbers (International), punctuation marks and diacritic marks will be available to Indian language typing. At present it is impossible.
The IKB will have the facility of transliteration across Indian languages simply by selecting the font. This is no mean task as Tamil has only one character for each group of a stop. For example Tamil has as against the four letters of Hindi or Telugu namely While transliterating the Hindi text into Tamil we should be able to show the four distinct letters in Tamil. The IKB performs this task effortlessly. This feature has immense value to bilingual speakers in the multi-lingual environment in India as one would be able to read other languages without knowing the script. We will also be working on the phonological system of these languages so that the reader can read the transliterated version in an accepted manner.
We cannot give more technical details at this juncture as we are in collaboration with IT companies for commercial production of the keyboard for Indian languages.
