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Unit 1.Vowels and Diphthongs

Vowels represented by the letters
This unit is comprised of 14 vowel sounds and 10 diphthongs of English. You will hear the pronunciation of these sounds when you open the words in which they occur.
The table below gives the vowel sounds with an example each. Press any of the boxes to go to that vowel.

When the vowel is opened you will see one or more groups of words listed. The lists contain numerous words. Pay attention to the spelling of the words in each group.
Click the word to listen to its pronunciation and practice. You can listen to the words many times and practice.

14 vowel sounds

i: i I e æ ɑ: ɒ ɔ: ʊ ju: u: ə ɜ:
see city it pen bank father got saw put to move about bird but

When the Diphthong is opened you will see one or more groups of words listed. The lists contain numerous words. Pay attention to the spelling of the words in each group.
Click the word to listen to its pronunciation and practice. You can listen to the words many times and practice.

10 diphthong sounds

eI əʊ aI ɔI ʊə aʊə aIə
say phone my boy now near hair tour tower tyre

Vowel / i:/   


he me be she
see tree free glee need sheep keep peep weep

sleep sweep street green wheel feel steel greedy

sea tea flea meat team treat cream steam dream wheat meal deal beans

grief brief field believe


Vowel / i /

city curry dummy crystal mystery

money gluey


Vowel / I /

in it if ill interest
In IntrƏst

pin tin pink silk stick fish filth kiss bliss blink
slip skin stink prick grip camping walking foolish million

naked judges batches roses Rose’s Grace’s padded sorted
neIkId judge’s

refresh’ reform’ report’
rIfɔ:m rIpɔ:t

Vowel / e /


enter,every,evri men step bent pen hen send bred trend
tent bench mess mesh bell smell spend strength

head bread threat health

guess guest


Some foreign words – coupé, resumé (e is not silent)

coupé resumé

Vowel / æ /

man ran fan van ban jam gap lap slap
span spam plan bank lamp stand blank prank plank

aback irrational
əbæk I’ræʃnəl

Vowel /ɑ:/ heart


father wash

art park dark farm star start smart sharp
ɑ:t pɑ:k stɑ:
carbon farther harbour glass collage
kɑ:bn hɑ:bƏ

bra spa drama

calf laugh draughtsman

Vowel / ɒ /

on of off office oxygen Oxford October occupy

pot dog logoff don stop dock doctor document John font
fond bomb bond long got spot common comment doll dollar
collar coffee college nonsense loss cross lock stock pocket rocket
kɒlI p’ɒkIt

orange forest foreign torrent warrant

quality quash

want wander watt watch warrant what

Robin Robert promise

Vowel / ɔ: / mourn

law raw draw lawn claw straw yawn lawyer
lɔ: lɔ:jə

war ward warden warn water drawn

walk stalk chalk

quarter quartz

Paul launch pause laudable sauce caution cause taunt taught daughter
k’ɔ:z (gh is silent)

ougt bought wrought

all call ball small

Morgan Norma corn short corps corpse corpus forgo storm morning

more store

door floor poor

pour source

hoary hoarding

Vowel / ʊ /

put push pull bull full pushy cushion

took cook book look hook shook stood

Vowel / ju: /


suen due hue blue queue duece

use utilize cute duke pure cure astute

few new lewd knew stew view

purify curator produce

Vowel / u: /


fruit cruise juice fluid

flew drew crew threw Andrew

too shoo mood food cool boost noodle stool brook crook school loose moose
(e is silent)

to two who

rule crude brute flute

blue glue


Vowel / ə / famous

maker baker baker father manner hammer meter hunter

shaken broken fallen sermon

centre metre doctor anger harbour donor glamour

document monument occupant

about alone admire ashamed ahead adjust along accuse(d) accusing achieve
əbat əkju:ziŋ

suggest suppose suppress success surprise amount’ against’ dalone’ aloud’

(weak forms-unstressed)

were was of
wəz əv

(Before the stressed syllable)

percen’tage posi’tion offen’sive

(After stressed syllable)


Vowel / ɜ: / (r is always silent)

girl firm birth mirth firm girl birth shirt flirt affirm’

term verbs berth sperm curl turn spurn Turner burner

work worker word world

turn curl lurch church murder purse purge lurch curve curved curtain purpose spurn burnt

verb term berth serve preserve merge verse were assert’ merge certify

earth heard search

Vowel / ˄ /

fun but rum puss puff lunch punch must plum
trust crunch blunt crumb summary sub'ject cus'tom cus'tomise

one done some come handsome front tonne

money monk monkey Monday wonder

double bubble

Diphthong / eI /


male tale date make lake cake made hate
game same base lace race face blame blade

mail nail tail maid main rain grain paint praise straight quaint campaign
kweInt (gn=n)[Exception-said]


veil freight feign

Mayday pay pray stay gray slay spray prey preyed

Diphthong / əʊ /


go no most photo mango program comb ghost

out ounce shout proud drought
[gh is silent]

home dome lone dove stone stove phone drone quote ocean

boat coat foam loan

tow bow low slow blow grow snow own growth

Diphthong / aI /

aI waI

find mind kind minor miner

ice nice pipe line nine mine time mice kite bite site price twine
[e is silent]

my fly sky fry try type style eye eyes
aI aIz


lie fried tried flies lier

high fight right might light sight tight fright flight
(gh is silent)

guide height

Diphthong / ɔI /

coin point poised point joined joint

toy ploy

Diphthong / aʊ /

how now cow down gown drown crown brown

out foul loud about round found sound proud cloud doubt drought
[b is silent] [gh is silent]

house mouse blouse sour
[Word final[e]is silent] saʊə

lounge ounce pounce
([nge]=/ nj /) ([nce] =/ ns /)

Diphthong / Iə /

hear dear smear tear wear tears clearing
hIə tIəz

beer deer steer steering

mere severe sphere

tier bier

Diphthong / eə /

dare hare share stare welfare ware bare

air pair hair flair



bear bearing


Diphthong / ʊə /

poor pure sure during
p’ʊə pjʊə ʃʊə djʊərIŋ


Diphthong / aʊə /

hour flour
[h is silent]

tower power flower

Diphthong / aIə /

wire fire tiring diary

flyer buyer

(gh is silent)


quite flier fiery

quire Esquire

giant pliant

Unit 2.Consonants


b c d f g h j k l m n
p q r s t v w x y as a consonant z

Consonant < b >

1. [bb] = / b / (See also [d, f, g, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, z])

rubber shabby abbe abbreviation

2. (‘b’ is silent, [mb] = m)

bomb lamb tomb crumb bombing limb plumb plumber plumbing climb climbing climbed climber
pl∧mə pl∧miŋ klaIm klaImIŋ klaImd klaImə



3. (‘b’ is silent, [bt] = t)

doubt debt debtor

Consonant < c >

(If #ca, co, cu c = / k’/) (See also [p, t])

can cat cats cast camp call connect cow cone cut Curzon

1. (< c + C> = / k /)

clamp crack cute Marc

2. (ck = / k /)

back thick packs jackal backing

3. (cc = / k /)

Deccan Piccadilly according account accursed accused accumulate

4. (#ch = / k' /)

character chemical chord chorus chlorine Christ

5. (c + /e I ɜ: aI / =/ s /)

cell cinema circle cycle cyber

6. (ce# = / s /)

juice mice lace duce

7. ([nce] = / s /)

chance dance

8. (cc + e/i = / ks /)

eccentric accident accept

9. (#ch = / ʃ /)

Chicago chagrin parachute

10. (cion = / ʃn /)


11. (#ch = / ʧ /)

chain cheap champ China choke chunk

12. (ch# = / ʧ /)

beach screech church March stitch batch ketchup mulch bench lunch
(rch#) (tch#) (lch#) (nch#)

Consonant < d >

1. < d >

draw drip drive dwarf dwell due duke dam damp bad
dad glad hand brand grand land tied booed toed sued

2. ([dd] = / d /) (See also [b, f, g, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, z])

daddy shudder add address

3. (/ g b j m n r v w y z / + [ed] = / d /)

begged plugged robed robbed aged judged famed slammed coned canned
dared marred saved moved revved bowed played keyed razed

4.i. ([t d] + [ed] = / id /) )

dated greeted patted shaded added

4.ii. ([k,ch, ck ] + [ed] = /id/)

naked wretched wicked

5. ([dge] =/ ʤ /)

dodge judge badge bridge cudgel

6. (/k p ʧ f s ʃ θ / + [ed] = / t /)

baked marked parked soaked trekked backed kicked taped duped clapped
[#e is silent]
popped marched hatched searched scratched pinched laughed staffed raced priced
based raised kissed missed forced lashed abashed bathed breathed

7.([xed] = / kst /)

mixed fixed taxed

Consonant < f >

1. < f >

fish fly form far fool safari Sufi proof safe calf
[e is silent] [‘l’ is silent]

2. ([ff] = / f /) (See also [b, d, g, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, z])

saffron effigy staff affront suffer

Consonant < g >

1. < g > (See 6 below)

gate goal gun give get gift

2. ([gg] = / g /) (See also [b, d, f, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, z])

maggot egg aggrieved

3. (gu = / g /)

guest guess guard guaranteed plague rogue
ges gɑ:d gærənti:d [e is silent]

4. (#gh = / g /)

ghetto ghost



6. (/ ʤ / gem, gin, gist) (See 1 above)

agent purge luggage merge George gorgeous
lʌgeIʤ gɔ:ʤəs

7.i. (nge# = / nj /)

sponge binge syringe strange congest dungeon

7.ii. (ngi# = / nj /)

engine fungi

8. (gh# = / f /)

laugh rough enough

9. ([gh] is silent)

daughter though

10. (gn# = n)

reign feign malign campaign gnat gnome gnaw

Consonant < h >

1. he / hi:/

have him his here hear behind horror

2. [‘h’ is silent if # hon]

honour honest

3. [‘h’ is silent if h#]

Sarah blah Noah

Consonant < j >

1. [ j ]

Jim John jade jute jingle ajar sojourn Taj

Consonant < k >

1. (#k + V = / k’/) (See also [c, p, t])

kangaroo keen key kick kin kite kind koala

2. (k# = / k/)

trek Derek

3.i. (kn = n)

know known knife knead

3.ii. (ckn = / kn /)


Consonant < l >


like lake look fly slide sleep black

2. [ ll ] = / l / (See also [b, d, f, g, m, n, p, r, s, t, z])

ballot ally filler allotment

3. ll# = / ḷ /

ball bell mill full spill


bottle kettle bundle

5. ([ l ] is silent if)

talk walk chalk calm balm palm almond salmon Malcolm half calf
[ alk ] [ alm ] [ olm ] [ alf ]

Consonant < m >


man mean mane moan humid primary trim tram name
[e is silent]

2. [mm] = / m / (See also [b, d, f, g, l, n, p, r, s, t, z])

grammar mummy ammunition

Consonant < n >


name ban canal


bank sink bench lunch band bind

3. [nn] = / n / (See also [b, d, f, g, l, m, p, r, s, t, z])

Anna funny tunnel annotation

4. [ng] = / ŋ / (Hindi ङ, Tamil ங் )

sing singer singing long longer longing king string Hong Kong
thing sing bring king asking basking boating skating meeting

Consonant < p >


cap stop lisps spit spoon crisp lamp

2. [#p] = / p’/ (See also [c, k, t ])

pan pants pen peep pin pine poll puppet pundit

3. [p + C] = / p /

please price play puke

4. [pp] = / p / (See also [b, d, f, g, l, m, n, r, s, t, z])

supply happy slipper appreciation

5. [ph] = / f /

pharmacy phase phrase physics graph

6. [Some foreign words]

coup(p is silent)

7. (p is silent if [#ps])

psychology psychic psalm

Consonant < q >

1. [qu] = / kw /

quality question queen queer quick quite quote quorum
kwiə kwaIət kwaIt kwɔ:rəm


banquet equal liquid

3.i. [#que] = / k /


3.ii. [ que# ] = / k /

plaque opaque

4. quor = / kər /

liquor liquorice

Consonant < r >


rat run room bring trim true

2. [rr] = /r/ (See also [b, d, f, g, l, m, n, p, s, t, z])

parrot Harry married arrival

3. (r# is not pronounced)

car star purr hair more sure donor grammar

4. (syllable final r# is not pronounced)

carton garden certain shirting curtain formation

5. (If V + r + C then ‘r’ is not pronounced /) (See Vowel / ɜ:)

earth birth shirt turn Mars

Consonant < s >


sit say soon sad star stand speed swan skate base loose
[e is silent]

2. ([s] after / k t p f θ /)

clocks makes carts doubts maps proofs paths

3. [ss] = /s/ (See also [b, d, f, g, l, m, n, p, r, t, z])

ass grass messy assimilation

4.i. [s] = /z/ (after V and [r])

rose trees flies fuse cars cheers

4.ii. [s] = / z / (after voiced C)

stabs bags pads rains bombs boys rays falls saves knives
singular knife’,vows

5. es= /Iz/ after /s z ʧ ʤ /

buses misses races boxes blazes roses churches marches pages judges

6. sh = / ʃ /

ship shop rush cash

7. [su] =/ ʃy /

sure assure tissue
ʃyu: [e is silent]

8. ssion = / ʃn /

session discussion mission

9. sion = / ӡn /

vision division pension

10. sure = / ӡə /

pleasure measure leisure

11. [‘s’ is silent] in

isle island aisle
[isl] aIl

12. stu = / sʧ /


Consonant < t >


trip try tube twist fatal duty hasty stab
blast stamp pretend bat rat mat hate date
[e is silent]

2. (#t = / t’/) (See also [c, k, p])

tap taste tank tent test tin type tomato tough tub tumble

3. ([tt] = / t /) (See also [b, d, f, g, l, m, n, p, r, s, z])

butt butter betting attend

4.i. (tton = / tn /)

button cotton

4.ii. (ttom = / tm /)


5. (ttle = / tl /)

bottle cattle

6. (tion = /ʃn /)

station motion partition

7. (ti - / ʃ /)

negotiate martial partial crucial
(tial = / ʃl /) (cial / ʃl /)

8. th = / θ /

thin think thank tooth thick teeth breath thanks theft thief theme anthem death

9. th = / đ /

the this than them then these those
they breathe breathing bathing suit rhythm algorithm

10. xtu = / ksʧ /

mixture fixture

11. [Some foreign words]

debut (t is silent)

Consonant < v >


van vine very heavy navy save leave valve
[e is silent]

2. [ vv ] = / v /


Consonant < w >


wait wine wind (n) wind (v) way waste weigh
wInd waInd
weight wound (n) wound (v) wall will witch watch
wʊnd waʊnd

2.i. [ ew ] = / ju: /


2.ii. [ ow ] = / ju: /

new know

3. wh = / h /

who whom

4. wh = / w /

where what when which wheat

Consonant < x >

1. / ks / tax / tæks /

exercise axiom maximum box taxi pixel mixie
[e is silent]

2. xc = / ks /

excellent excess

3. / gz /

exotic exactly examination

4. xt = / kstʃ /

mixture texture

Consonant < y >

1. [ #y ] = / j /

yard you your year beyond

2. / j / if / yV /

paying pay play buy ploy

3. Cy = C+ / aI /

my try style tyre

4. / I /

crystal cylinder lyric mystery

Consonant < z >

1. zoo / zu: /

zebra zone gazelle gaze blaze
[e is silent]
2. [ zz ] = / z / (See also [b, d, f, g, l, m, n, p, r, s, t])

jazz buzz jazzy blizzard quizzical

Unit 3.Word Stress


[aC] / ə /

allot apart attend addict arrest approve

[Compare] [a']

ap’posite a’micable
æpəzit æmikəbl

[iC] / I /

illegal impose indulge


is’land item
ailənd aItəm


success’ succes’ sivesuggest’ sugges’tion
səʤest səʤestʃən


sum’mer sur’geon


conduct’(v)’ con’duct(n)
k’əndᴧkt conduc’tor k’əndᴧktə k’ɒndᴧkt collect’ collec’tor collec’tion




forgive’ forbid’ forget’


fortune fortunate’


oppose’ observe’ obscene’



Connected words

combine’(v) combine(n) com’bination
kᴧmbaIn’ k’ɒmbaIn k’ɒmbIneIʃn
pho’tograph photo’grapher photo’graphy Photogra’phic
fəʊtəgrɑ:f fətɒgrəfə fəʊtəgræfik
produce’(v) produ’cer pro’duce(n) produc’tion Produc’tive
prədju:s prɒdju:s prədᴧkʃn
so’cial so’cialist socio’logy socio’logist sociolo’gical
səʊʃl səʊʃəlist səʊsiɒləʤi səʊsiəlɒʤikl
psychic psycho’logy psycho’logist psycholo’gical
saIkIk saIkɒləʤi saIkɒləʤist saIkəlɒʤikl

Unit 4.Intonation


I am very happy.
He is my friend Raja.
There is no milk at home.
The girls are singing a song.
We had gone there last year.

Statements with stress

The talk of the professor of psycho’logy will have a psycholo’gical effect.
The con’duct of the conduc’tor is deplorable.
The Direc’tor of the Department of Di’rect Taxes has given no direc’tions.
I am learning photo’graphy as I want to be a photo’grapher and take great pho’tos.
The wind was strong as we drove down a winding road.


Is there a pharmacy nearby?
Do you like bananas?
Where is the city hospital?
How are you?
Isn’t that a good hotel?

Requests and orders

Sit down children.
Hey, come here.
Please leave the room.
Don’t take this shirt.
Can you pass the salt?


What a nice day!
Wow, isn’t it beautiful!
It is horrible!
Well done!
My best wishes to all of you.

Coordinated Sentences

The wedding is on the fifteenth and the reception is on the sixteenth.
You can take up a job or start you own company.
If you get this loan you can buy a larger house.
I know that he is very sick.
I do not know if I should wait or leave.